BARRIER HOLD COAT is a highly effective ecofriendly Product blending of natural ingredients which is provide thin temprory film on Hold Surface to protect corrosion. This is making barrier between corrosive cargo like Sulphur, Salt, Petcoak, Cement etc and Hold surface .It can be easily applied by vessel crew before loading. BARRIER HOLD COAT is effectively prevents stains and footprints of cargoes adhering to the surfaces of cargo holds and causing corrosion and are difficult to clean. Therefore, cargo holds can be kept clean with much less effort and cost.The main advantage of BARRIER HOLD COAT is that it forms a water soluble cargo hold barrier that can be removed very easily, even with the use of cold sea water. BARRIER HOLD COAT is safe to the environment and to the personnel handling it, and will not contaminant the cargo. It is non-corrosive and safe on all coatings. BARRIER HOLD COAT acts as a barrier and release agent between the cargo hold surface and the next cargo. It should be applied on clean surfaces.
Other Important materials , which help to control corrosion on metal surface. Chemically SULPHUR producing STRONG acid in presence of moisture under excess of temperature, Freshly prepared acid during the reaction rapidly damaging steel surface. This can be prvented by ACID neutralisation method. RXSOL BILGE COAT is specially meant to solve this issue. For more details of product, You may click here to know more details about product and using procedure.
RXSOL Bilge Coat (Sulphur Acid Neutralizer) Acts as Acid Neutralizer formed during sulphur voyages.
The cargo hold surfaces should be as clean and dry as possible before treatment. Barrier Hold Coat is supplied at ready-to use concentration and may be applied directly from the drum. Spray the liquid on the cargo hold surfaces by the use of suitable low-pressure spraying equipment. As soon as the surface appears water wet, a proper film is created; do not apply more than necessary. Barrier Hold Coat will cover 15-20 m2 / Ltrs. Allow the film to dry completely before loading the cargo. Depending on air temperature and humidity this will take 1 to 2 hours. After reloading, apply a 2 – 5% solution of a cleaning agent in water to avoid re-deposition of contaminants, and finally flush with clean, high pressure water. Suitable cleaning agents like Rxtuff, Rxtuff High Foam or Aquabreak Rx.
After flushing with water, let the surfaces dry and then repeat the treatment with applying Barrier Hold Coat before next cargo.
Barrier Hold Coat be direct use on clean and Dry surface. 1 Ltrs Hold Barrier Coat will be cover 15-20 m2.
This Emulsion is safe to use , But as a precaution goggles & Protective gloves with mask require before use of this materials.
Precaution : 1 > Deposition of previous cargo / Lime wash should be removed .
2 > Newly Painted surface should be fully cured.
Other Valuable Hold Cleaners :::
Cement Remover RX Hold ::: Highly concentrated and powerful penetrating agents materials which is effectively react with cement to loosen the bonding strength . Best results can obtain on dry surface of cement. RXSOL'S R & D has developed this molecular cement dissolver. Part No.- RXSOL-22-2202-025, Part No.- RXSOL-22-2202-020, Part No.- RXSOL-22-2202-050