Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Cylinder measuring 50 ML with stoper RXSOL-61-2143-001 Lab Equipment-61 Cylinder measuring 50 ML with stoper
Alt Cylinder Measuring 100 ML with Stopper RXSOL-61-2144-050 Lab Equipment-61 Cylinder Measuring 100 ML with Stopper
Alt Soot Remover Liquid 25 Ltr RXSOL-70-7011-025 Fuel Treatment-70 Soot Remover Liquid is formulated for effective prevention of soot and fire scale deposits from boil
Alt Nitrite Test Reagent TK - 6 RXSOL-62-5507-002 Test Kit For Water-62 During testing of NITRITE level ::: Add RXSOL TK6 drop by drop , mixing with the stirring rod until
Alt Nitrite Test Reagent TK - 5 RXSOL-62-5507-007 Test Kit For Water-62 RXSOL TK5 addition will change ORANGE / light reddish colour of sample water.
Alt RED NBD PLUS RIG Degreaser RXSOL-10-1033-020 Degreaser-10 Very effective products to removes grease, wax, vegetable and animal fat, oil, sludge, soot, carbon
Alt All Purpose Cleaner 210 Ltr RXSOL-12-1501-210 Detergent & Soap-12 Superior & powerful alkaline buffer cleaner containing corrosion inhibitors toprevent the corrosion
Alt Accelerage Sludge Acceleration Agent 25 Ltr RXSOL-20-2011-025 Ballast Tank Chem-23 Biostimulation, to enhance the proliferation of indigenous microorganisms and therefore the degradat
Alt Accelerage Sludge Acceleration Agent 210 Ltr RXSOL-20-2011-210 Tank Cleaner-20 Biostimulation, to enhance the proliferation of indigenous microorganisms and therefore the degradat
Alt Sodium Hexa Meta Phoshphate RXSOL-19-1528-025 RO Chemicals-33 Sodium Hexa Meta Phoshphate