Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Iso Butanol RXSOL-19-1570-210 Paint and Cleaning solvent-18 Iso Butanol
Alt Hydrochloric Acid Conc 50 Ltr RXSOL-19-1101-060 Hold Solution-22 Hydrochloric acid is the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl).
Alt ORG old RXSOL-20-2090-020 Raw Chemicals-19 ORG old
Alt Antiscalant C.I ALKA RXSOL-33-2034-025 RO Chemicals-33 Very power full superior product which making the film to protect the Corrosion and antiscalant in P
Alt Wood Varnish cleaner RXSOL-15-1054-010 Paint and Cleaning solvent-18 Cleaning of Wood varnish For general maintenance is tricky job, first of all wipe varnished wood wit
Alt Corrosion Inhibitor Multifunctional Closed Chilled Systems RXSOL-40-4011-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Alkaline Corrosion Inhibitor blend for Metal protection inside the CLOSED circulating system
Alt MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4009-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Effective controller of MICRO BIOCIDE and BACTERIA from condensor WATER system.
Alt Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 RXSOL-40-4021-025 Coolant Glycol Antifreeze-27 Inhibitor concentrate/chemical which is added to the cooling water of internal combustion engines in
Alt Degreaser Electrical Non Flame RXSOL-10-1738-025 Electrical Cleaner-30 Electrical Non Flammable safe degreaser for Electric Motor and Equipment Cleaning
Alt RXSOL 2000 RXSOL-40-2000-210 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Unique formulation with organic Corrosion Inhibitors , Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water