Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Orthophosphoric Acid 20% Solution RXSOL-60-6219-500 Lab Chemical-60 ORTHOPHOSPHORIC ACID is an important industrial acid that is utilized for manufacturing phosphatic f
Alt Fabric Stain Remover RXSOL-15-1657-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 It is biodegradable Fabric Stain remover.
Alt Antifouling Liquid RXSOL-40-4038-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Very effective cleaner that is clear, yellowish green with anti fungal properties.
Alt Stearic Acid RXSOL-81-8120-025 Drilling Fluids & Mud Oil Field chemicals-81 Stearic Acid
Alt Methylene Blue Solution RXSOL-60-6189-100 Lab Chemical-60 Lab Reagent Methylene Blue Solution 1 ml = 0.01 ME
Alt OIL Spill Dispersant Type-II 210 Ltrs RXSOL-17-1058-210 Oil Spill Chem & Absorbent -17 Surface Active Agent based formulation oil spill dispersant with no flash point, non toxic and free
Alt Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor (Cooling Water Treatment) RXSOL-40-4091-210 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Metallic corrosion and scale controlling advanced formulated product for cooling systems ( open and
Alt Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor for Cooling Water RXSOL-40-4091-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Metallic corrosion and scale controlling advanced formulated product for open and closed cooling sys
Alt Antifreeze with Potassium Chromate RXSOL-60-6236-100 Coolant Glycol Antifreeze-27 pH control and water softening ability.
Alt Food Grade Disinfectant ORG TR 50 - 25 ltr RXSOL-40-4098-035 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 It is a bactericide, fungicide, virucide, sporicide and an algeaecide