Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt VIPER VENOM CR22 RXSOL-41-8669-025 Automobiles-41 VIPER VENOM CR22
Alt Clean Free RXSOL-41-8382-025 Automobiles-41 Clean Free
Alt PROLON RXSOL-41-8383-025 Automobiles-41 PROLON
Alt Anti Rusting Liquid Solution RXSOL-18-1820-210 Paint and Cleaning solvent-18 nti Rust Liquis Solution is used on ferrous surfaces as a rust inhibiting treatment to protect part
Alt Coarse Salt RXSOL-15-1821-025 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Dishwasher Salt
Alt Muriatic Acid 40 Kg RXSOL-22-2205-040 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Muriatic acid in forms acidic mists.
Alt Metal Seal Chem 682 RXSOL-68-6811-030 Metal Treatment-68 Hot phosophating chemicals compound for steel and Zinc metal prior to painting.
Alt Metal Coat 684 RXSOL-68-6813-025 Metal Treatment-68 Phophate Coating Powder
Alt Air Cooler Chem Cleaner RXSOL-16-0009-001 Engine room Maintenance-16 During the operation, the fins & tubes of the main engine air cooler which become fouled with oil, g
Alt Ship Motor Test Kit RXSOL-62-6290-001 Test Kit For Water-62 For checking Nitrite , Chloride and Alkalinity