Multiclean supplier and Exporter. Multi clean is a specified tank cleaner which has mild alkaline emulsifier cleaning property.
Use at a concentration of 2% to 5%. Add 20 ml. RXSOL-16-1502-210 to 1 litre of hand-hot water. for SPOT CLEANING purpose.
Use 1.5% solution of RXSOL-16-1502-210 in a bucket of water. for general cleaning . No rinsing needed.
Use a1% solution of RXSOL-16-1502-210 for SPRAY CLEANING
Use 0.2% solution of RXSOL-16-1502-210 For general cleaning where HOT cleaning required
First of all flush the system with cold water to prevent evaporation rates and polymerization then the most economical method is by direct injection followed by recirculation washing, using tank cleaning machines.
Spraying Method:- Spray onto areas where residue remains following rough washing leave for 10-45 minutes (but do not allow to dry), then butterworth at maximum pressure and warm water 60oC for at least 3 hours, checking that there is no foam remaining in the final stages. Inspects tanks(s) and if desired result has been achieved fresh water rinse and dry.
**Make sure to take all safety precautions are followed when handling / spraying as other GENERAL TANK CLEANER **
Injection Method:- Not applicable.
Re- Circulation Method:- Fill tank with fresh water and heat up to warm 50oC . IF a drop line is available on the tank line system, then start to circulate the water and add the required amount of Caustic flakes and MULT CLEAN to make a 2.5% solution. A stronger solution can be made, but be advised that too much Caustic and too high temperature will result in white powder all over the tank. Under normal circumstances, between 2.5% and 4.5% will be sufficient strength. If there is no drop line, then lower butterworth hoses into the tank from the pump stack header without machines attached and circulate through these hoses while you fill the solution material.
**Use a strainer at the pump stack when circulating any solution.** Tank Lining– Stainless / Epoxy / Phenolic.
This product provides single product simplicity with multi cleaning application flexibility. This formulation provides this unique combination of deep cleaning and odor control features. which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and used after the animal and vegetable oils, fish oils, tall oils, tug oils etc . It is free from hydrocarbon solvents, Biodegradable minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials. RXSOL-16-1502-210 doesn't contain with phosphate, toxicity chloride